RABBITP 9 Pcs Rabbit Chew Toys for Treat and TeethNatural Grass Willow Balls for Bunny, Rabbit

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La chaîne Youtube Smart Shop a publié aujourd’hui une nouvelle vidéo qui s’appelle RABBITP 9 Pcs Rabbit Chew Toys for Treat and TeethNatural Grass Willow Balls for Bunny, Rabbit. Vous voulez découvrir cette vidéo et la regarder en streaming, vous êtes chanceux on vous l’a mis de côté !

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo RABBITP 9 Pcs Rabbit Chew Toys for Treat and TeethNatural Grass Willow Balls for Bunny, Rabbit publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

RABBITP 9 Pcs Rabbit Chew Toys for Treat and TeethNatural Grass Willow Balls for Bunny, Rabbit
Amazon Product Link: http://amazon.com/dp/B097MCFJC4/?tag=hanh68-20

The ball is made of natural materials: seagrass, rattan, corn husk, water hyacinth and willow, hand-made after drying, rich in fiber and elements, good supplies and treats for the health of small pets.
Bunny always like and are interested in round balls. They enjoy smelling, biting, and pushing around and playing with rolling round toys.
As a small animal chew Toy, Teeth grinding can avoid biting cheeks and tongue and prevent gum infection.
You can hang the ball in the cage, or put some bunny snacks in the ball to stimulate their interest in playing.
A perfect chewing toys for Rabbits, Guinea pigs, Bunnies, Chinchillas, Degus or other RodentsPacking List:2 seagrass ball2 willow ball2 corn rope ball2 cucurbit ball1hemp ball We provide five kinds of molar balls of different materials. They are all made of natural raw materials without additives. Fiber and nutrients are beneficial to the digestive system of small animals.They are very good bunny interactive toys. When the rabbits are bored, they can get a lot of fun by playing with balls and exercise their bodies at the same time. Since all products are handmade, the size of the product you receive may be slightly different from the one marked on the picture.
Top reviews from the United States
Play time for bunny....
They came as described. Good size for my dwarf bunny. It's an assorted lot and my bunny liked some more than others. She liked playing with them and breaking them into pieces but she did not eat them even though they are edible... I purchased them to keep her from getting bored and they did entertain her.