Razer Goliathus Extended Chroma Gaming Mousepad: Customizable RGB Lighting - Soft, Cloth Material

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Et oui, encore un article aujourd’hui à propos de la chaîne Youtube Razer Goliathus Extended Chroma Gaming Mousepad: Customizable RGB Lighting - Soft, Cloth Material, vous commencez à en avoir l’habitude vous qui suivez assidûment Allo Trends depuis tant d'années déjà ! L'intérêt pour cette chaîne ne cesse de croître au fil des années et nous sommes très heureux de vous la partager une nouvelle fois. Et c’est pour cela qu’on vous en parle aujourd’hui, cette toute nouvelle vidéo devrait vous intéresser.

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Razer Goliathus Extended Chroma Gaming Mousepad: Customizable RGB Lighting - Soft, Cloth Material publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Razer Goliathus Extended Chroma Gaming Mousepad: Customizable RGB Lighting - Soft, Cloth Material
Amazon Product Link: http://amazon.com/dp/B08F2Z1G6H/?tag=hanh68-20

Ultimate Personalization & Gaming Immersion with Razer Chroma: Fully syncs with popular games, Razer hardware, Philips Hue, and gear from 30+ partners; supports 16.8 million colors
Designed for Control: A softer, micro-textured cloth surface gives more tactile feedback, allowing for higher precision in fast-paced games
Non-Slip Rubber Base: Made of natural-foam rubber for keeping the Goliathus Chroma Extended mouse mat in place
The #1 Best-Selling Gaming Membrane Keyboard in the US: Source - The NPD Group, Inc., U.S Retail Tracking Service, Keyboards, Non-Mechanical Keyboard, Gaming Designed, Based on Dollar Sales

Top reviews from other countries
It looks gorgeous. Just... Amazing, really.
Light diffuser is very even across the whole thing, surprisingly. The exception is the corners, but hey, welcome to physics limitations, take a number and we'll process your complaint sometime in the next 3 millennia.
No obnoxious branding on the cloth itself. Very slick, smooth surface.
USB cable is long enough that it's not a problem. 21.3 units big. What units you ask? Stop asking questions.
Very sturdy, high-quality construction.
Nice and wide, just how I like my mousepads. Keeps the keyboard on the same height as the mouse. You wouldn't think it does much for ergonomics but it's got like a high-class feel to it and makes you feel richer than we both know you are.

Light bar is stitched on. That itself isn't the problem, but the (surprisingly strong) string used tends to dig into your skin a bit and feels rough after a while. Not as big of a problem as you think it is. I don't notice much, even after a 16-hour gaming marathon. Usually some red skin after that, but that's not surprising.
CLOTH. God I hate cloth. Spill one thing on it and the stain ruins the slick appearance forever. Wears down your mouse skates. Frays over time. Sure it looks nice, but god I wish you could get extended PLASTIC mousepads.

Complaints are mild and may vary due to personal taste. Honestly a really high-quality mousepad with gorgeous vibrancy. Not very bright, but then again I wouldn't want it to be; would be too distracting.