Sera CO2-Start Aquarium Test Kits

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Sera CO2-Start Aquarium Test Kits publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Sera CO2-Start Aquarium Test Kits
Amazon Product Link:

Country Of Origin : Germany
The Package Height Of The Product Is 6.5 Inches
The Package Length Of The Product Is 2.36 Inches
The Package Width Of The Product Is 3.94 Inches
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the basic plant nutrient and allows adjusting a slightly acidic pH value, as it is preferred by many plants and fish. The sera CO2-Start fertilizer system is easy to install and operate. It is ideal for the very widespread and popular smaller aquariums up to approx. 120 liters (31.8 US gal.). sera CO2-Start consists of an optically unobtrusive sera CO2 diffusion reactor and the corresponding sera CO2-Tabs plus. This convenient and uncomplicated CO2 fertilization system can be integrated into the aquarium even by beginners without any previous knowledge entirely without any problems.

Top reviews from the United States
Sera CO2 Tabs plus Is work
Many people say that carbon dioxide ingots are useless! I doubt it, but it's a German sera product and I'm trying to buy and use it. Because it is a famous brand of a big factory, it will not be produced casually. I want to talk about products; The dosage on the instruction manual! If you use it according to it, you will lose your expectations. Let's put it this way! I take my pills, but I don't have a CO2 monitor! Therefore, it is not clear whether the carbon dioxide in the fish tank is present or sufficient, or how it exists!
This time I use the monitor, and I can see that it is blue liquid! Verify that there is no carbon dioxide in the fish tank, even the pills put in earlier! I'll put a piece first and pay attention to the change of the monitor. It didn't change at first, but after a while, I noticed that the liquid in the monitor changed slightly from dark blue! I suspected I was wrong, I suspected ❓ in my heart, so I put the second tag in, but I couldn't help putting the third tag in! At first, nothing seems to have changed! However, after a while, I didn't look, looked at the monitor again, and found that it turned green! Yes, it's definitely green! Pay attention to the monitor in the photo. There is no water in the blue pipe, but there is water in the green pipe! Verify that the carbon dioxide gas in the fish tank has entered the monitor!