Seresto Flea and Tick Collar for Dogs, 8-Month Flea and Tick Collar for Large Dogs Over 18 Pounds

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Pour regarder la vidéo Seresto Flea and Tick Collar for Dogs, 8-Month Flea and Tick Collar for Large Dogs Over 18 Pounds qui a été postée aujourd’hui par la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop, cliquez sur la vidéo juste en haut. Vous pourrez ainsi la découvrir en streaming gratuitement directement sur notre site !

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Seresto Flea and Tick Collar for Dogs, 8-Month Flea and Tick Collar for Large Dogs Over 18 Pounds publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Seresto Flea and Tick Collar for Dogs, 8-Month Flea and Tick Collar for Large Dogs Over 18 Pounds
Amazon Product Link:

Provides 8-months of continuous flea and tick prevention
Seresto flea and tick collar for large dogs works through contact, so fleas and ticks do not have to bite your dog to die
Veterinarian-recommended flea and tick prevention for dogs in a convenient, odorless and non-greasy collar; No need for messy monthly treatments
Starts to repel and kill fleas within 24 hours of initial application
Flea and tick collar for large dogs also helps treat and control sarcoptic mange and kills lice
Seresto remains effective following a shampoo treatment, swimming or after exposure to rain or sunlight. Under normal conditions, effectiveness lasts for 8 months.

In order to maintain an 8-month duration, dogs must not be bathed more than once a month. For dogs that swim once a month or more, the control duration is reduced to five months for flea control and reduced to seven months for tick control.
Active ingredients are stored in the collar’s innovative polymer matrix and released in low concentrations across your dog’s coat and skin for 8 months. Fleas and ticks are killed through contact, and don’t have to bite your dog to die.

Top reviews from the United States
It works! The first product we've ever used that actually kills fleas!
We have an outdoor dog that is absolutely covered in fleas nearly year round, since we don't get hard freezes here in North Carolina. We've tried Frontline, Capstar, Program, Advantage, flea collars, flea shampoos, spraying fipronil in the area around the barn where he lives, diatomaceous earth, brewers yeast and garlic, cedar oil and cedar chip bedding, and nothing worked. We even used corn oil to coat and suffocate the fleas, which worked but only for a day or two. I was convinced that these are zombie fleas and immortal. And the poor dog was miserable and scratching.

I hesitated to pay $50 for a flea collar that might not work, but took the chance and ordered this Seresto collar. We put it on the dog two days ago, and I'm amazed! The first day, we noticed that the fleas on the front half of his body were gone. Today we didn't find one single live flea on him, nostrils to tail tip. We did notice some dead ones on him. This is the first thing we've ever found that got rid of/killed the fleas! He was lying happily in the sun this morning, not scratching or twitching, for the first time in months.

Since the collar worked, I've also ordered one for our little indoor dog and the indoor cat, who also have fleas (but not as many). If these collars really kill the fleas for 6-8 months, they are worth every penny of the cost. I will update my review after a few months, to report whether or not the flea killing effect lasted. I'll also keep an eye out for irritation, baldness or oozing sores where the collar lies (since some pets have had an adverse reaction to collar) and report that here if it happens.

For now, I'm very, very happy to have something to help combat the fleas!