Skunk Off Skunk Odor Eliminator Premise Spray – Ready-to-Use Skunk Odor Remover for House, Outdoors

Comme beaucoup d’internautes, vous attendiez depuis plusieurs heures la dernière vidéo de Smart Shop, sachez que votre attente va enfin pouvoir prendre fin, la vidéo est maintenant disponible depuis le 25 novembre 2022 !

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La chaîne Youtube Smart Shop a publié aujourd’hui une nouvelle vidéo qui s’appelle Skunk Off Skunk Odor Eliminator Premise Spray – Ready-to-Use Skunk Odor Remover for House, Outdoors. Vous voulez découvrir cette vidéo et la regarder en streaming, vous êtes chanceux on vous l’a mis de côté !

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Skunk Off Skunk Odor Eliminator Premise Spray – Ready-to-Use Skunk Odor Remover for House, Outdoors publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Skunk Off Skunk Odor Eliminator Premise Spray – Ready-to-Use Skunk Odor Remover for House, Outdoors
Amazon Product Link:

Tough On Skunk Odors: Use this odor eliminator for home and yard to permanently and immediately remove skunk scent in the first application, saving you time and money. This skunk odor remover for car, homes, and lawns penetrates to the source of the odor where other skunk odor spray products only treat surface problems.
Easy to Use: Use Odorcide Skunk Off spray in a garden-type pump-up sprayer for continuous application or as a refill for the Skunk-Off quart pistol grip sprayer. Simply spray this odor eliminator for house, outdoors, and automobiles on the odor source and let air dry. Skunk-Off can also be used as a laundry odor eliminator for clothes and bedding.
Not an Enzyme, Not a Mask: Thornell Skunk Off features a unique non-enzymatic formula that works regardless of what product you have used before. It works where other indoor and outdoor odor eliminator sprays haven’t and won’t.
Safe for Small Pets & Children: No need to fear, pets and children can safely be around areas treated with Skunk-Off skunk odor remover for house and yard immediately after use. All Thornell products are safe for use on any surface.
Use What the Pros Use: Odorcide is the top provider of commercial, outdoors, and home odor removal products to the veterinary, janitorial, and restoration industries in North America. This powerful skunk odor eliminator spray can be safely used both indoors or outdoors on automobiles, crawl spaces, decking, carpets, clothes, cars, and more.
Top reviews from the United States
The stuff actually works.
Our dogs got sprayed by a skunk one night. They stunk. We first tried a mix of baking soda, peroxide and Dawn (tomato juice being an old wives tale). That helped but the smell is hard to completely get rid of. I found this on Amazon and tried it and it helped a lot. We sprayed it on the dogs (careful to avoid eyes and mouth) and washed it off and it got rid of the remaining odor. We actually did a second wash with the peroxide and then this stuff. We also sprayed it on some rugs that the dogs had rubbed on (trying to get the smell off themselves). And this spray helped get rid of the rug odor. We actually ordered another bottle just in case the dogs get sprayed by a skunk again sometime. Not cheap but it works and, given how awful that smell is, the price was well worth it. Leaves a bit of a scent but compared to skunk smell, it’s like French perfume.