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Pour regarder la vidéo SmartyKat (2 Count) Mouse Moods Emoji Wink Face & Rainbow Poop Plush Catnip Cat Toys - Multi Color qui a été postée aujourd’hui par la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop, cliquez sur la vidéo juste en haut. Vous pourrez ainsi la découvrir en streaming gratuitement directement sur notre site !
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Normalement si vous êtes encore en train de lire cet article, c’est que la vidéo SmartyKat (2 Count) Mouse Moods Emoji Wink Face & Rainbow Poop Plush Catnip Cat Toys - Multi Color a dû vous faire plaisir et qu’on ne s’est pas trompé en vous incitant à la regarder. Nous espérons vous retrouver au plus vite sur Allo Trends, d’ici là vous allez pouvoir regarder d’autres vidéos de Smart Shop en cherchant un peu sur notre plateforme dédiée. Si vous avez déjà fait le tour, allez sur Youtube, le contenu y est quasi infini !
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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo SmartyKat (2 Count) Mouse Moods Emoji Wink Face & Rainbow Poop Plush Catnip Cat Toys - Multi Color publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :
SmartyKat (2 Count) Mouse Moods Emoji Wink Face & Rainbow Poop Plush Catnip Cat Toys - Multi Color
Amazon Product Link:
STIMULATING CAT TOYS: Attract cats with catnip to engage them to frolic, romp & play
SmartyKat Mouse Moods set of 2 emoji catnip cat toys Wink tongue and rainbow poop are pint sized with added ribbon and faux fur providing textural stimulation. Contains our pure and potent catnip. Most cats respond to catnip with a burst of energetic activity followed by a perfectly calm mellow period. Our catnip is produced without chemicals or pesticides and is grown on our own catnip farms. Eco advantages: fiberfill is made from 100% recycled plastic bottles in our cat toys. Great for a multi cat household. Smarty Kat toys, beds and scratchers are designed for the needs of your cat: exercise, hunt, stimulation, interaction, scratch and comfort without forgetting about fun! Innovation and your cat’s need lead our design followed closely by Safety and environmental concerns, our products are designed to child safety standards and we utilize environmentally friendly, sustainable materials wherever we can. All are backed by our 100. so pet parents can rest easy with Smarty Kat products! Read all packaging instructions, Warnings and Cautions upon receipt. Read all packaging instructions, Warnings and Cautions upon receipt. Packaging contains small parts, discard after opening.
Top reviews from the United States
Cute and nicely made.
I don’t know if my cats care how cute their toys are. Considering they will play with actual garbage I doubt it matters. But it matters to me and I really enough watching them play with these cut and crazy looking little emojis. It’s a bonus for me that there are not really feathers which my cats like to eat. These are durable and there’s nothing that they have been able to remove and consume.