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Nous vous proposons aujourd’hui de retrouver la dernière vidéo de la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop qui s’appelle tout simplement SmartyKat Crinkle Fish Catnip Toys for Cats & Kittens, Stimulating, Fun & Engaging Play. Si vous l’avez apprécié, n'hésitez pas à like le contenu pour ainsi soutenir l’auteur de la vidéo !
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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo SmartyKat Crinkle Fish Catnip Toys for Cats & Kittens, Stimulating, Fun & Engaging Play publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :
SmartyKat Crinkle Fish Catnip Toys for Cats & Kittens, Stimulating, Fun & Engaging Play
Amazon Product Link:
EXCITES & ENTICES CATS: Give your kitty the thrill of the chase with this set of 3 SmartyKat Fish Flop soft plush cat toys. This fishy trio is made with crinkly materials, plush & felt to have your pal chasing, pouncing and swatting them in no time.
FILLED WITH PURE CATNIP: they're lightweight so you can toss them easily and watch your little hunter go, and are stuffed with 100% pure, potent, chemical-free and pesticide-free catnip for a boost of purrfect excitement to keep your pal coming back for more.
COMBINES PLAYTIME WITH EXERCISE: Make interactive playtime irresistible and bring these cat toys out anytime your kitty needs a boost of healthy exercise to support toned muscles, or let your pal play independently since they're easy to catch, carry and bat.
TESTED FOR SAFETY: SmartyKat always makes safety a priority, which is why we design products to meet child safety standards. They do not contain small parts, long cords, or other hazards, ensuring kids in the home are safe, whether they are two-footed or four-pawed.
ABOUT US: SmartyKat creates stylish cat products that help pet owners easily meet the emotional, physical, and instinctual needs of their cats. From scratchers and interactive toys to edible grass and catnip, all our products are designed to stimulate a particular feline need while also fostering a stronger relationship between you and your cat!
Top reviews from the United States
My cats love these toys
Got three of the fish about 10 years ago all my one cat sadly she passed away after 22 years. A year or two later I adopted two little kittens Found in their street close to their deceased mother. Surprisingly I still had one fish left from the original. The kittens loved these so much I had to get more. They are constantly throwing them chasing them and banning them all over the floor. I recommend them to all cat owners everywhere. I do remove the tags or most of it with scissors.