SportDOG Brand Rechargeable In-Ground Fence Systems – from the Parent Company of INVISIBLE FENCE

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo SportDOG Brand Rechargeable In-Ground Fence Systems – from the Parent Company of INVISIBLE FENCE publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

SportDOG Brand Rechargeable In-Ground Fence Systems – from the Parent Company of INVISIBLE FENCE
Amazon Product Link:

Easy-to-install containment kit includes everything needed to cover 1 1/3 acres of land for one dog; can be expanded to cover 100 acres with more wire and flags (sdf-wf)
Rechargeable collar features lithium-ion batteries with 2-hour quick charge and one to two month battery life: waterproof and submersible to 25 ft. With dryer technology
Contain an unlimited number of dogs with additional collars (sdf-cr); fits dogs 10 lb. And up
Collar gives Tone (beep) and vibration (Buzz) warning before moving to one of seven static stimulation levels (you choose the best level for your dog)
The small, sleek collar receiver features a li-ion battery that charges in two hours and has a One to Two-Month battery life. Now featuring seven levels of static stimulation as well as Vibration and tone, it's easier than ever to keep your dog safe and secure. With 1, 000 FEET of wire and 100 flags included, you can contain an area as large as 1 1/3 acres (or up to 100 acres with the purchase of additional wire and flags). Simply purchase additional collars for multiple pets. Dependable in any environment, the collar features dryer technology making it waterproof and submersible to 25 feet. The In-Ground Fence with rechargeable collar and upgraded technology (not compatible with SDF-100A or SDF-CT) that has 7 levels of static stimulation with vibrate (Buzz)/ tone (beep) warning. Anti-linger feature prevents dogs from standing in the warning zone to drain the collar battery. With a 2-year manufacturer. the In-Ground Fence is designed for our products in the field, with heat, cold, rain, snow, dust, mud, and wind in mind, (tested in the potential extreme weather conditions faced while hunting). SportDOG has become one of the most recognized brand in the electronic tracking and training categories, making the promise to always create ""Gear the way you'd design it." Receiver without strap - 2.60 inches length X 1.30 inches width X 1.23 inches depth.

Top reviews from the United States
This was a game changer
I felt compelled to write this review because of some of the negative reviews that just don’t seem accurate to me. This product has been flawless since I bought and installed it in March of 2020. The installation, set up, training, battery life of the collar and reliability have been absolutely fantastic. Our girl is so used to the boundaries now that I don’t even worry about sending her outside without the collar for a quick break first thing in the AM or last one before bed, she won’t venture past the boundaries now regardless of a collar on her neck or not. Our neighbor got a new pup this spring and she wanted so bad to say hello at the fence so I took the collar off so she could get up close but nope, not crossing that line Dad! So I don’t understand some of the negative reviews at all, my experience has been great and we just welcomed a new puppy to the family last week so will be ordering another collar for him when he is old enough. As for install, a few tricks I used worth suggesting as I have an acre and a half contained was to just staple the wire along fencing where it already existed and my favorite trick, I used inexpensive 1/2” PEX drip line irrigation tubbing ( about 10 bucks per 100ft at HD) to fish the wire through and just layed it on top of the ground 200-300 foot or more on sides of my property with no fencing along the edge of the woods for example and this protects the wire from getting damaged and does not impact the signal at all. I hardly used a shovel on this project at all. For the average DIY’er this is a about a 3 on the scale of 1-10 in difficulty, all it took was a little of my spare time which has been gained back 100 fold in time not spent watching the dog to make sure she does not go wandering or worse driving around looking for my adventurer….not to mention the peace of mind that she is safe and in the yard.