Start-X Remote Starter Kit for Tacoma Push to Start 2016-2019 || 3X Lock to Remote Start

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Start-X Remote Starter Kit for Tacoma Push to Start 2016-2019 || 3X Lock to Remote Start publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Start-X Remote Starter Kit for Tacoma Push to Start 2016-2019 || 3X Lock to Remote Start
Amazon Product Link:

START YOUR TACOMA 2016-2019 REMOTELY - Use the most complete Plug N Play Remote Starter KIT for Push-To-Start Tacoma 2016-2019 to cool or warm your truck. Separate kit available for 2020 Tacoma's, this kit wont work.
USA- This kit is brought to you by Start-X, the leading plug n play remote start company in North America. The remote Start module is proudly designed, engineered, and manufactured in North America. With tens of thousands satisfied customers you can't go wrong. Start-X technical support agents are located in the USA and provide support in English.
PLUG ‘N PLAY T-Harness – Revised, Unique T-Harness designed specifically for a Tacoma. No wires need to be cut or spliced. However, there is some disassembly of your truck required. Please see the video. Instructions are included, or you may view our instruction video for super easy and fast installation.
NO NEED FOR EXTRA DEVICES - Start your vehicle with clicking 3x lock on your factory remote. Press the lock 3x again and the professional grade Start-X Remote Starter will turn off your vehicle too.
OPEN DOOR SHUTDOWN, RANGE - When you open the door to the vehicle the engine will shut down. There is no way around this. After remote starting you will need to restart the engine before driving. The distance from where you can remote start is the distance you can lock your vehicle from. Please test your key fob to see the distance you will be able to remote start from.
Top reviews from the United States
2019 Toyota Tacoma (P2S) TRD off road
Scanned the QR code that was on the first page of the installation instructions, watched the video.... Literally took me 25 minutes to install and test. 3x lock to start, 15 minutes run time.. Can repeat... 3x lock to stop. Engine shuts off when door is opened. (exactly as stated). Door safety feature is a Toyota feature, not Startx.