SunGrow 24 Pcs Ferret Mylar Crinkle Balls Toys, 2" Soft Play and Chase Indoor Toys for Exercise

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SunGrow 24 Pcs Ferret Mylar Crinkle Balls Toys, 2" Soft Play and Chase Indoor Toys for Exercise
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Interactive, Engaging for Small Pets --- If you have an active ferret in house and don’t know how to engage him, get these crinkle pet balls. We are sure they’ll love to carry them around, chase them or bat around. It is important to keep your pet fit and active, both mentally and physically. These SunGrow Mylar crinkle balls will keep your ferrets entertained for hours. Giving them exercise and an outlet, which will make even the most bored pets happy!
Bright Colored Foil Balls --- These crinkle balls come in a variety of bright metallic colors. Bust your stress playing fetch with your pets, what can be a better way to bond! Playing with crinkle balls helps cats relieve boredom, improves circulation, builds muscle and can prevent behavioral problems.
Interactive Crinkly Sounds --- Your kittens and cats will go wild for these little crinkle balls. Their sensitive ears will pick up the crinkly sound the ball makes every time they play and pounce on it. It is the best exercise toy, to calm down your cats in spring.
Shiny Mylar Textured Toy --- The Mylar material has a reflective metallic surface similar to aluminum foil. These balls are made of soft and lightweight mylar texture in the right size for cats to grasp or carry. You never need to worry about whether they will hurt your kittens even if they step on them with bare feet. It’s shiny, yet soft and is very attractive for your cat.
Small Size, Suitable for All Cats --- The ball measures between 1.5 - 2 inches, making this toy perfect for all sized cats. Watch as your littlest kitten or aging feline enjoys pouncing and chasing these crinkle balls.

Top reviews from the United States
Plenty for the cat who loses everything under the china hutch..
I got a mix of toys for my cat and he, out of 20 toys, chose a little crinkly shiny ball he can bat around, throw across the room with his paw and carry in his mouth. So when he lost it, I looked up on Amazon for something to replace it... with this being such a large pack for the same price as 2-10 of them, I bought this one right away. And of course, he has lost many, but I'll occasionally find them or just open the bag and toss out another. He plays with them like its a mouse on the run, naturally pieces fall off and I am constantly picking up little shredded pieces off the ground. The color also fade, which does concern me...does he ingest it? If so, is the color toxic? I'm not sure, but taking these away now would just break this little fluff balls heart. So go play little kitty. Go play.