SunGrow Shrimp Rocks, for Crayfish, Hermit Crab, Snails, Crystal Red, Amano and Ghost Shrimps

Nous avons découvert avec grand intérêt le 30 septembre 2022 sur la chaîne Youtube de Smart Shop une nouvelle vidéo qui pourrait vous intéresser.

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo SunGrow Shrimp Rocks, for Crayfish, Hermit Crab, Snails, Crystal Red, Amano and Ghost Shrimps publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

SunGrow Shrimp Rocks, for Crayfish, Hermit Crab, Snails, Crystal Red, Amano and Ghost Shrimps
Amazon Product Link:

For Overall Development --- Are your shrimps losing color? Do they not look as vibrant as before? Here is your solution - SunGrow Rocks. Our rocks provide the perfect balance for vitality, color and growth, especially for baby shrimps in growing age. They are rich in Calcium that helps shrimp with building stronger shells, and full of Magnesium that is essential for all crustaceans to maintain vibrancy. This product can only be harvested and not made.
Calcium Helps Shedding --- Shrimps add vibrancy to your aquatic life and make great pets for both adults and kids alike. And these white rocks that facilitate shrimp’s longevity. Japanese shrimp breeders have a firm belief in stones and they use them in their breeding facilities. You too can beautify your aquarium with these color and age enhancing rocks by SunGrow. A must-have for shrimps, especially Crystal red shrimps, Amano shrimps and Ghost shrimps.
Clearer Water --- The stones from SunGrow act as an ion exchanger that clears water in the Aquarium. They enrich water with necessary minerals that enable shrimps to live longer. It even stores substances like heavy metals and ammonium for a longer duration.
Aquarium Decor --- The applications of these Rocks don’t just stop here! You can even make use of them in home furnishing by placing them in all the corners of a square or rectangular mirror. Else, place these on the center table of your living room in a bowl filled with water along with a few coloured pebbles, marimos and other plants.
Value Pack --- Every pack contains a few pieces of rocks (0.5 inch on an average) surrounded by the rock powder. One pack is enough for a 14 gallon tank and lasts 3 months. So it's not at all heavy on your pocket. They are small and take very little space. So they are great for your nano tanks too!

Top reviews from the United States
Instant Results!
Seriously, two days after putting 3 “stones” in my tank, my red and blue shrimp are more vibrant! I also have two Amano Shrimp, male and female. Suddenly they are darker. “Big Momma” Amano hadn’t been berried (pregnant) in 6 months, when she was berried month after month prior . Suddenly, she’s berried! Wow! I have Julii Corys and Endlers, and everyone is happy!