Et oui, encore un article aujourd’hui à propos de la chaîne Youtube The Blissful Dog Paw Butter for Your Dog's Rough and Dry Paws, 1-Ounce, vous commencez à en avoir l’habitude vous qui suivez assidûment Allo Trends depuis tant d'années déjà ! L'intérêt pour cette chaîne ne cesse de croître au fil des années et nous sommes très heureux de vous la partager une nouvelle fois. Voilà pourquoi nous avons décidé d’en faire un article, car on est sûr que cette nouvelle vidéo devrait vous plaire.
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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo The Blissful Dog Paw Butter for Your Dog's Rough and Dry Paws, 1-Ounce publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :
The Blissful Dog Paw Butter for Your Dog's Rough and Dry Paws, 1-Ounce
Amazon Product Link:
Moisturizes your dog's paws, reviving and softening the paws with layers of All-Natural butters and oils
Paw Butter for Dogs - Enriched with moisturizing shea butter, handcrafted in far Northern MN using all natural ingredients
Natural Paw Balm - Available in 1, 2, 4- and 8-ounce tins, 0.15, 0.50 and 3 ounce tubes
Rich moisturizers and herbal infusions are absorbed into your dog's paw pads
Paw Butter for Dogs - Easy to Apply dab Paw Butter onto pads and massage into your dog's paw pads
Top reviews from the United States
Works on all my dogs
I had previously purchased the Blissful Dog's Elbow Butter as I noticed my german shepherd's elbows were getting a little leathery. It works so well to keep his elbows moisturized, and his skin is starting to grow some hair back on those spots. I was trimming their nails this past weekend and noticed his paws were getting a little rough again, and I usually would just put a little bit of elbow butter on them and that would fix the problem - but I was out! I checked Amazon and found this, and it actually works so much better. Mojo still hates getting it rubbed on his paws, but he sits and lets me do it anyways. None of my other dogs mind when I do it, and it helps keep their little paws from cracking and getting rough.