UPGRADED Q6 Rechargeable Bark Collar - Smart Barking Detection Module w/Triple Stop Anti-False Modes

On a regardé avec attention la nouvelle vidéo de Smart Shop qui est disponible sur Youtube depuis le 21 août 2022 et on pense qu’elle pourrait capter l'intérêt de pas mal d'internautes…

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Voici donc aujourd’hui la dernière vidéo de la chaîne youtube Smart Shop. Elle s’appelle UPGRADED Q6 Rechargeable Bark Collar - Smart Barking Detection Module w/Triple Stop Anti-False Modes et comme vous vous en doutez, elle intéresse déjà beaucoup les internautes. Vous pouvez la retrouver juste ici.

Là vidéo est à peine postée depuis moins d’une heure qu’elle fait actuellement extrêmement parler d’elle sur le web. D’habitude les nouvelles vidéos de la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop font bien moins parler. Bientôt en tendances ? C’est en tout cas tout le mal qu’on lui souhaite vu le boulot que fait cette chaine depuis de nombreuses années déjà !

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Normalement si vous êtes encore en train de lire cet article, c’est que la vidéo UPGRADED Q6 Rechargeable Bark Collar - Smart Barking Detection Module w/Triple Stop Anti-False Modes a dû vous faire plaisir et qu’on ne s’est pas trompé en vous incitant à la regarder. Avant de se dire au revoir, on vous rappelle quand même que vous pouvez regarder d’autres vidéos de Smart Shop en naviguant sur Allo Trends. Bien qu’on ait pas encore autant de contenus que Youtube, on y travaille chaque jour pour vous offrir le meilleur d’internet !

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo UPGRADED Q6 Rechargeable Bark Collar - Smart Barking Detection Module w/Triple Stop Anti-False Modes publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

UPGRADED Q6 Rechargeable Bark Collar - Smart Barking Detection Module w/Triple Stop Anti-False Modes
Amazon Produc Link: http://amazon.com/dp/B07DGZJX6B/?tag=anamz3-20

QUALCOMM MICROPROCESSOR CONTROLLED BARK DETECTION. Breakthrough technology and innovative upgrades were implemented in the advanced version of the No Bark collar featuring the Intelligent Anti-Injury Chip. The collar has 5 levels of adjustable sensitivity and 3 training modes – beep, vibration, and gentle, safe shock, effectively stopping the barking with no harm to the dogs of all types.
DIGITAL DISPLAY SHOWCASING HIGH-TECH DESIGN. The adjustable digital screen displays the level of vibration, shock, and sensitivity. In accordance with the nature and behavior of your pet, you can choose the appropriate training mode for your dog to stop barking.
THE HIGH-QUALITY RECHARGEABLE BATTERY WITH UP TO 14 DAYS PER 1 CHARGE! The collar contains the most intelligent barking detection system, which prevents false triggering, hence, only your dog's barking can trigger the collar, but not the barking of other nearby dogs. To ensure the safety and security of your pet, there is a built-in no bark receiver with an automatic protection mode, which deactivates the collar if activated 7 times in 1 minute, and resumes its operation after one minute.
IPX7 WATERPROOF DESIGN. IPX7 solid and lightweight material allows you to safely use the collar indoors and outdoors in all weather conditions. Note: it is better to take off the collar while swimming.
Top reviews from the United States
Reliable, Long Lasting Battery with Beep, Vibration and Shock Options (6 Options!!!)
Great product!!!! Doesn't bother my dog to wear it at all, he wears it most part of the day. I am very picking with what I use on my pets - especially when its a training aid. It needs to work consistently and last a long time. We do leave this collar on our dog while we are at work but on a lower setting incase he gets out of hand while we are gone.
What I like most about this is that it has protected probe's (and replacements as well) and that it has 6 different usage settings. So if my dog is doing better with his barking then I'll turn it down. It he isn't getting the lesson I'll turn it up. It has worked so well in training him!!!! He does still get away with winning because the collar won't pick up on lower sounding whines but thats to be expected by any such bark collar.

I very much appreciate the customer service that accompanied this product in that - the instructions were easy to read & it tells you what happens on each usage setting. I wanted to make sure I knew exactly what I was about to use on my Pup.