Van Ness Pets Odor Control Large Enclosed Sifting Cat Pan with Odor Door, Hooded, Beige, CP66

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On espère que vous avez aimé cette vidéo et qu'on ne s'était pas trompé en vous la proposant, en effet Van Ness Pets Odor Control Large Enclosed Sifting Cat Pan with Odor Door, Hooded, Beige, CP66 est une vidéo qui intéresse bon nombre des internautes en ce moment. Dans notre plateforme, vous pourrez trouver d’autres vidéos de Smart Shop, jetez y un coup d'œil à l’occasion, c’est pratique et ça peut vous permettre de trouver des contenus que vous n’aviez jusqu'alors jamais vu encore sur le web !

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Van Ness Pets Odor Control Large Enclosed Sifting Cat Pan with Odor Door, Hooded, Beige, CP66 publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Van Ness Pets Odor Control Large Enclosed Sifting Cat Pan with Odor Door, Hooded, Beige, CP66
Amazon Product Link:

Ideal for owners who want the benefits of litter scoop free maintenance combined with the odor control qualities of an enclosed pan
Provides class leading odor control by enclosing litter and providing the added benefits of an odor door and replaceable zeolite air filter
High polished finish that is odor and stain resistant
Easy to clean and Assorted Colors
Made In USA
Throw out your scoop and save time with our Van Ness sifting enclosed cat pan. This smartly designed unit features two nesting pans and a sifting screen. Stack the pans with the sifting screen on top and fill with clumping litter. When you lift the sifting screen the litter sifts out into the pan, leaving the clumps that you throw away. Replace the sifting screen in the empty pan, move the litter from the full to the empty pan, restack, and your are finished. Roomy pan features a locking lid with filter, carrying handle and removable odor controlling door. Made of durable, easy to clean plastic.

Top reviews from the United States

Best litterbox I have used hands down.
By bobaroo - See all my reviewsThis review is from: Van Ness CP66 Enclosed Sifting Cat Pan/Litter Box, Large (Misc.)

I have owned 3 of these with 4 different large (up to 16 lbs) cats and a variety of litter types. I would like to echo Esther G.'s review - this box is amazing if used "correctly"!!

I'll try and explain another way for the sake of repetition.

This system comes with 2 bottoms: at any time one bottom contains the litter (let's call this the "active box") and the other is empty (the "standby box"). The boxes fit inside of eachother so the standby is stored below the active box. In fact, the lid won't seal properly unless the boxes and sifter are all stacked together in a nice package.