Ware Critter Pops/Rice Pops Small Animal Chew Treats - Large

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Ware Critter Pops/Rice Pops Small Animal Chew Treats - Large publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Ware Critter Pops/Rice Pops Small Animal Chew Treats - Large
Amazon Product Link: http://amazon.com/dp/B00494JWY8/?tag=hanh68-20

Crispy, crunchy chew that is irresistible to small pets
Wholesome combination of crunchiness and flavor - Made of rice and corn
Promotes clean and healthy teeth
Helps overcome cage boredom
Ideal for hand feeding or fits on the WARE Treat-K-Bob
Measures 3/4-inch DIA x 5"H
Top reviews from the United States.
My dwarf hamster LOVES these, and they're a healthy option for his breed.
I bought this for our little dwarf Russian hamster we got for our family for Christmas. Originally I bought a bunch of sweet treats before we picked him out, and after researching dwarfs specifically, we found diabetes is common in dwarf hamsters. I realized this was the only original treat that I
bought that was a healthy option for his breed. Luckily, our Henry Webster the hammy loves these! I break off about a 3rd to a 4th of a stick depending on how it breaks, and he ate the first piece in less than 4 days, but he ate his second piece in 2 days! I don't want to give him too many treats, but we also need to make sure his teeth don't over grow, and he has not been interested in eating any of his chew toys or apple sticks at all! Not a nibble. He won't even touch them with his mouth, so these have been great to have and I plan on keeping these stocked, and have subscribed on here to these and a couple other healthy treats that haven't come yet. I personally don't know how they taste. I probably should rate it 5 stars for my hamster, since he enjoys them, but I rated taste at 4 in that area only because they are considered a blander flavor in regards to other treats available. Just keep in mind if you have a Campbell's Russian dwarf or a Winter White dwarf, they are prone to diabetes, which I didn't know. He loves his pellet food and these rice pops, so he's not been picky with any actual food. He's chopping on his first piece in my pictures. I hope they help give you an idea of what to expect in person.