Wellness Natural Pet Food Super5Mix, Just For Puppy Dog Food, 15-Pound Bag

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Wellness Natural Pet Food Super5Mix, Just For Puppy Dog Food, 15-Pound Bag publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Wellness Natural Pet Food Super5Mix, Just For Puppy Dog Food, 15-Pound Bag

Amazon Product Link: http://amazon.com/dp/B0002I0GVS/?tag=anamz3-20

This puppy dry dog food recipe's ingredient is chicken; high quality protein with wholesome grains like oatmeal
Our crunchy kibble has no meat byproducts, fillers, or artificial preservatives
DHA to support brain development; Calcium and phosphorus for healthy bone growth
Made in the USA using only the finest globally sourced ingredients
Spend a lifetime with Wellness natural dog food; we offer recipes for puppy, adult, and senior dogs as well as grain free dog treats, meal toppers, and wet food options too
Top reviews from the United States
Great food
Kibbles are about the size of peas. Great for putting in toys for treats as well! Bag is re-seal able!

Been using this for a week now. Mixing 1/4 cup into my puppy's current food. She will usually eat half of her food then come up to me and "thank me" as if she was seeing me after being gone for a few hours. She then runs back and continues eating her food. Since mixing this, she will pick out these food first, and then leave her old food in her dish. When she thanks me she isn't as happy returning to eat her old food to finish off her meal.

Update after :
Take 2 weeks or longer in transitioning of your food!!!!!! I did only 10 days, and it wasn't enough.

Well with the amount of food I had left I was only able to mix her food for 10 days. That IS NOT ENOUGH TIME to let her stomach adjust!!!!!!!!!! I watched her for the first week and she had a extremely soft stool! So much so, that I started to watch her water intake and if she changed in her speed in eating as if she knew it would upset her stomach but she remained a happy playful puppy. I also regulated her treats. It took about 10 days for her stool to start having any shape to it, and about 2-3 weeks after the full change over of the food her stools became solid and normal. I second the less bowel movements that everyone else has said, so for those of you who have to scoop, this would be beneficial to you. I have 2 acres, and mine insists on running 20 yards into the woods, so that was something I was glad I didn't have to train her to do. She goes in the morning and in the evening, and her stool quantity is half what it was with her Purina. She was doing fine on that, but figured I'd try something better. If you pay just a little bit more for this food, and she eats it over a longer period of time it all equals out in the end. I think I feed her less than the chart says, but I know she is full when she comes in from going out an hour after she eats and hides her treat somewhere in the house (on top of her bed, in the corner of a step going up to the bedroom, and her favorite spot is here on the couch behind me skillfully digging and burying it behind me). I adjusted her meal size because it seemed the very little last bit she was not wanting to eat, and would walk away and come thank me for her food more and more. Since I've cut back on the food, she will come and thank me at least once while she eats but no more than that. She is gaining weight, and not chunky either. I don't know if it was a warm spell that we had, mid 30's-40's for 2 weeks in Dec, or the change over from food, or maybe shedding from puppy coat to normal hair but she did have some major shedding going on for a week or so. No globs coming out and when I used a brush on her not much hair now. I do not brush her daily anymore, the brush is the vacuum's little cousin I guess. Her coat is nice and silky to the touch.
Also, I live in Alaska, and use the wood stove as my primary heat. I usually put 2-3 gal of water in the humidifier each day. With the Purina, she was scratching quite a bit, so much that I started adding a teaspoon of olive oil in with each meal. That helped her with that and she itched less, but never stopped. I think I may notice her scratch 2-3 times a day and it doesn't seem to be as focused and intense as it was before. It could be that she is just getting use to it up here as well, but there is a lot to be said for a healthy diet in humans. It is just the same for our pets.
I have been trying to keep a 0700 and 1700 feeding time. I don't have her sitting at my feet a hour in advance doing her I'm hungry dance. There are times where I am working on something on the house and it will be almost 1900, and she is still just hanging out with me as normal not begging for anything. So I would think that would mean that she is content from the previous feeding, and that I have her food amount adjust pretty close to what it should be.

One down fall of the small kibbles... when put in a feeding toy that they have to roll around to get food... the food comes out and goes under doors, edges of furniture. If your pet is aggressive, this could lead to holes pawed in carpet etc, I just have to sit and listen to non stop constant barking