Wild Harvest Molt Relief Spray 8 Ounces, for All Birds, with Preen Gland Oil for Healthy Plumage

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La chaîne Youtube Smart Shop a publié aujourd’hui une nouvelle vidéo qui s’appelle Wild Harvest Molt Relief Spray 8 Ounces, for All Birds, with Preen Gland Oil for Healthy Plumage. Vous voulez découvrir cette vidéo et la regarder en streaming, vous êtes chanceux on vous l’a mis de côté !

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Wild Harvest Molt Relief Spray 8 Ounces, for All Birds, with Preen Gland Oil for Healthy Plumage publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Wild Harvest Molt Relief Spray 8 Ounces, for All Birds, with Preen Gland Oil for Healthy Plumage
Amazon Product Link: http://amazon.com/dp/B08R7W1GZP/?tag=hanh68-20

PROMOTES HEALTHY PLUMAGE: Contains preen gland oil – conditions skin and softens and brightens plumage when used regularly.
DEEP-CLEANSING ACTION: Contains purcellin, a preen gland oil analog, lanolin and aloe vera.
RELIEVES MINOR SKIN IRRITATIONS: Soothes irritation that cause scratching and feather picking.
HELPS ALLEVIATE EXCESSIVE MOLTING: Helps keep pet birds in top condition – ideal for use on all birds.
WILD HARVEST BRAND: Offers a full assortment of nutritional and interactive engagement products.
Wild Harvest bird and small animal products offer a full assortment of nutrition and interactive engagement products for your daily bird and small animal needs. We’re committed to providing your birds and small pets with a complete diet containing the vitamins, minerals and nutrients they need for a happy, healthy life. Wild Harvest Molt Relief Spray is formulated to condition skin, soften and brighten plumage on all caged birds when used on a regular basis with the bird’s normal bathing routine. Formulated with purcellin, a preen gland oil analog, lanolin and aloe vera, Wild Harvest Molt Relief Spray helps relieve minor skin irritations, which can cause scratching and feather picking. This spray also prevents excessive molting to keep your bird in top condition. Made in the USA.Remove all feeding materials from your bird’s cage before using Wild Harvest Molt Relief Spray. Hold the spray 12 to 18 inches from your bird and spray until its feathers are thoroughly wet. Keep your bird away from cold, drafty areas to prevent chill.Pet birds are infinitely curious and very social, so they need a lot of time and attention. They also require daily mental stimulation to not only keep them happy but also to prevent frustration, boredom and inactivity.

Top reviews from the United States
Stopped the plucking
What a big difference. Our bird stopped pulling her feathers out with just one application. She was getting irritation from enjoying her bathing a little too much.