Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Edition - Nintendo Switch

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En effet, la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop a décidé aujourd’hui de poster une nouvelle vidéo qui porte le titre de “Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Edition - Nintendo Switch”. Évidemment, vous pouvez dès à présent la retrouver en lecture intégrale sur notre site pour votre plus grand plaisir !

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Edition - Nintendo Switch publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Edition - Nintendo Switch

Amazon Product Link: http://amazon.com/dp/B08LPT25GQ/?tag=hanh68-20

A gigantic open world to explore
Unparalleled novel-like story spanning over 150 hours of gameplay
Make choices and face their consequences to unlock endings tailored to how you play
Winner of over 250 game of the Year awards, the Witcher 3: wild hunt is a story-driven, open world adventure set in a dark fantasy universe. You are Geralt of trivia, mercenary monster slayer. At your disposal is every tool of the trade: razor-sharp swords, lethal mixture, stealthy crossbows, and powerful combat magic. Before you stands a war-torn, monster-infested continent you can explore at will. Your current contract? Tracking down the Child of prophecy, a living weapon that can alter the shape of the world. The complete Edition contains every piece of downloadable content released for the game, including two massive story expansions: hearts of Stone & blood and wine. It's the perfect opportunity to enter this world for the first time or relive the adventure - on the go!

Top reviews from the United States
Great switch port
Overall it’s pretty cool that they were able to crammed this much into the switch, however since it is on the switch it does suffer a bit. Graphics are ok and it feels like there is a small input lag with the controls. Pretty satisfied that I can take this on the go. Side note graphics are a little blurry and there is pop in. Still a great port considering it is for the dang switch