Flight 77 conspiracy theories / Pentagate (Excerpt from 'Flight 77')

Comme beaucoup d’internautes, vous attendiez depuis plusieurs heures la dernière vidéo de wocomoDOCS, sachez que votre attente va enfin pouvoir prendre fin, la vidéo est maintenant disponible depuis le 17 septembre 2014 !

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Pour ne rien vous cacher, quand on a vu que la chaîne Youtube wocomoDOCS avait publié une nouvelle vidéo qui s'appelait Flight 77 conspiracy theories / Pentagate (Excerpt from "Flight 77"), nous n’avons pas hésité une seconde à vous la partager pour que vous puissiez la découvrir !

Gros buzz pour le moment pour cette dernière vidéo de wocomoDOCS, en effet le nombre de vues que comptabilise la vidéo est actuellement bien supérieur à la normale. C’est pour cette raison qu’on imagine que si ça continue dans ce sens, la vidéo pourrait bien se retrouver très rapidement en tendance Youtube.

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Normalement si vous êtes encore en train de lire cet article, c’est que la vidéo Flight 77 conspiracy theories / Pentagate (Excerpt from "Flight 77") a dû vous faire plaisir et qu’on ne s’est pas trompé en vous incitant à la regarder. Lorsqu'on écrit un article et qu’on voit qu’il fait des vues car il plaît à notre communauté, on a qu’une hâte, c’est de réussir à vous convaincre de revenir nous lire plus souvent ! Alors faites nous plaisir et repassez régulièrement sur Allo Trends pour suivre d’autres vidéos de wocomoDOCS.

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Flight 77 conspiracy theories / Pentagate (Excerpt from "Flight 77") publiée par la chaine Youtube wocomoDOCS :

Rumors, slanders, lies begin to spread like wild fire invading the World Wide Web and they will immediately distort the tragedy of September 11. Example: Thousands of Jews were warned by Israeli intelligence not to go to the twin towers on September 11. Another example: The collapse of the Twin Towers and tower 7 were said not to have been caused by the impact of the Boeing and the insuring explosion and fires. They were said to have been mined with explosives at the behest of US authorities.

These rumors would gain the favor of people from all walks of life,
originally propagated by america's right-wing and left-wing extremists [...], the rumors eventually proliferated around the world including in arab muslim countries and even in many European countries.

And with flight 77 they will even take the 9/11 conspiracy theories to new heights. In this frenzy a Frenchman will play a rather significant role. Thierry Meyssan, a former left-wing activist an
environmentalist. He would eventually find common cause
with the Lebanese militant group hezbollah.

In 2002 Thierry Meyssan wrote a book on September 11 entitled
"The big lie", a book that under the guise of innocent questions
recycles some of the most inflammatory rumors even in
suggesting that no plane never crashed into the Pentagon.

When asked what happened to flight 77 his reply was: Are these passengers really even dead and if so who killed them and why? If not, where are they?

A one fifteen-ton Boeing 757 with a thirty-eight meter wingspan allegedly struck the facade and crashed into the building. This is
obviously impossible. And the problem we have here is the way
the FBI and the Department of Justice immediately identified the culprits. There really wasn't ever any kind of investigation, criminal or otherwise. The culprits were allegedly identified and they just went on the hunt for the accomplices.

Such nonsense could feed into some of the conspiracy delusions found on certain well-known social networks on the Internet but in March 2002 Thierry Meyssan will do one better. He'll get his thirty minutes of fame on a widely viewed friends talk show hosted by Thierry Ardisson. Everybody's talking about it: One of the
flagship programs at the time of the France 2 network.

You have a questionable guest, no one to contradict him, a popular host and a captive audience, right for spreading disinformation. As a result the show gets huge ratings and it transforms a web of lies into established truths and takes society by storm. The next day
there's a mad rush to get the book.

"We are open on Sundays, we had over a thousand requests so if we had a thousand books they all would have been sold and then we sold between 500 and 600 per day the first four days and then a 150 per day over the past 10 days. It really is the book everyone's raving about. People have been calling us from Paris in 15 kilometers away. People were willing to try forty kilometers to pick up his book. I've never seen anything like this."

A hundred thousand copies will be sold in the weeks to come with 250,000 book sold in France in all of 2003, "The Big Lie" will become the best-selling political book of the year.

Nine months later in a belated yet very telling moment of clarity
host Thierry Ardisson will offer a harsh self-critique in the French daily Le Monde. It was a lapse of professional judgment
on my part there's no other way to describe it. I should have never invited him off and I should have immediately recognized that I had done something stupid. To little, too late. The damage is done. The rumor thrives on rampant anti-americanism and becomes a social phenomenon, but why? Why hadn't these images of debrief filmed on the scene of the crime put these rumors to rest?

Above all: Why give Thierry Meyssan and his followers a public arena to claim repeatedly that no trace was ever found of the passengers of flight 77 at the pentagon? Yet it had been known for months that the remains of 58 of the 59 passengers taken from the scene of the crash were identified by their DNA. How could it be possible to dismiss autopsy reports provided to families like the pastor's sister Kinkade?

Nothing works. Neither the evidence at hand nor the pain of the victims is able to counter the lives. Quite the opposite: "The Big Lie" is published in 40 countries. In the United States it even comes out seductively entitled "Pentagate", playing of up the legendary political scandal Watergate. Watergate involved in-depth investigations while Pentagate is based solely on Thierry Meyssan's conspiracy theories. Flight 77, he wrote, never hit the Pentagon. It was a missile, which basically amounts to telling us that behind this crime against America is America.

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