Love and Marriage in Orthodox Jewish communities | A Match Made in Heaven - Part 3/3

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Pour regarder la vidéo Love and Marriage in Orthodox Jewish communities | A Match Made in Heaven - Part 3/3 qui a été postée aujourd’hui par la chaîne Youtube wocomoDOCS, cliquez sur la vidéo juste en haut. Vous pourrez ainsi la découvrir en streaming gratuitement directement sur notre site !

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Vous avez maintenant toutes les informations sur la vidéo Love and Marriage in Orthodox Jewish communities | A Match Made in Heaven - Part 3/3, on espère que ça vous convient et que vous y avez trouvé votre intérêt. On espère vous revoir très vite sur notre site, en attendant vous pouvez retrouver d’autres vidéos de wocomoDOCS en vous baladant sur notre site ou bien même en allant directement sur la chaîne Youtube.

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Love and Marriage in Orthodox Jewish communities | A Match Made in Heaven - Part 3/3 publiée par la chaine Youtube wocomoDOCS :

Film starts at 0:35. For the first time, Orthodox Jewish people in Israel allow a camera to enter their personal lives on an intimate level, enabling us to discover the wisdom behind their way of life, in the potential hope that we can apply some of it to ours. We take a look at relationships between men and women, between singles and their friends, and between them and their families. The story follows the protagonists on their quests for love, across a chronological series of dates.

Dating and matchmaking in the "Haredi" (ultra-Orthodox Jewish) world has always been mysterious and intriguingly different from the secular world. At a time when the institution of marriage in the modern secular world is about to go bankrupt – increasing divorce rates, infidelity, the trend of extended bachelorhood, single parenting, etc. – the question arises: where are we going wrong? And what is it about Haredi relationships that keeps them strong and stable? How does it work?

Click here for Part 1:
Click here for Part 2:

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In the documentary "A Match Made in Heaven" we explore the world of matchmaking in the different sectors of the Haredi world and observe couples in different stages of relationships, and through them, we learn about their behaviour, philosophy, and the key to a happy relationship and marriage. Through the participants' stories, we learn the values of relationships and marriage according to Judaism and how they actually apply them – very different from secular attitudes (love at first sight as opposed to love that comes with time; the women's role in relationships; the man's role). This is the first time that Orthodox Jewish people in Israel allow the camera to enter their close community, and through a different perspective to our own, lend valuable insight into a peaceful coexistence.

A Film by Ronnie Kay, Natalie Ginat & Shay Werker

© Licensed by First Hand Films